I'm digging the story so far and find your commentary particularly compelling. I recognize the significance of the setting. How do you come up with the names of characters and locations, like the supermarket? Are they private homages, literary references, or otherwise?

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Great question!

All of the locations are real. The setting of the book is Logan, Utah. The store, the street names, and even a house he'll visit later are all real places. I always write fiction, and so usually, places are made up, but this time, I decided I'd set it in a place I knew. I wrote mostly from memory, but there were times I got on Google Maps to find a location I needed or to look up the name of a place.

The names, of course, are not based on real people. With the exception of one, but I got her permission. :) And interestingly enough, names are always the hardest for me to come up with. Sometimes, I'll write half a book, knowing I haven't got a name right, but I'm waiting patiently for the muse to respond with the right one.

I'll wager most authors aren't like that, but for me, sometimes it takes months to find the right name.

Glad you're digging the story!

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