I read the first chapter a few weeks ago, then let the chapters pile up in my inbox as life happened. But man, when I got back to them, I got sucked in real quick. Between the flashbacks and the current timeline, the story is intriguing, but this here with the baby and Mr. Howard in Chapter 15 - you have written Nick's humanity beautifully.

Waiting for the next chapter... 😉

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Aww, Ruth, this truly makes my day. They say write what you know, and while I have never seen timers or done anything like Nick, the core of the story . . . trying to do what is right after your view of the world shifts, is 100% what I know. It was a painful journey, and one I tried to capture with Nick’s story. Reading your kind words truly warms my heart.

There is definitely more to the story coming, and I hope you keep enjoying it!

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